The current lines of research of the Postgraduate Program in Experimental and Comparative Pathology are:

1- Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology

Study of the effects of drugs, veterinary products, plants and pesticides of interest in Veterinary Medicine, aiming to contribute to the understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for functional changes resulting from acute or prolonged exposure to these agents, as well as contributing to the repositioning of drugs of human and veterinary interest. Study and development of drugs, veterinary products, plants, and pesticides of interest in Veterinary Medicine.

2- Ornitopathology

Ornitopathology aims to understand the avian diseases that affect domestic and wild species. The study of avian diseases, under different aspects, contributes to the understanding of the host-parasite relation, generating possibilities for improvements in several areas, such as: diagnosis and monitoring of bacterial and viral diseases; development of vaccines, prebiotics, probiotics; elaboration of animal health and public health programs. Knowledge and innovation in this area help improve the productivity of the poultry sector, contributing to the development of a sustainable and globally competitive agriculture. It should be noted that Brazil occupies a leading position in the production and export of chicken meat, generating wealth for the country and jobs in the agricultural production chain.

3- Comparative Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine

Study of the etiopathogenesis of diseases of domestic and wild animals. Macroscopic and microscopic characterization and identification of causes of pathological processes. Case studies and studies of animal populations affected by pathological processes. Forensic pathology and toxicology, crime exams, cruelty, and mistreatment of animals. Principles for Forensic Veterinary Medicine and Forensic Sciences. Standardization of forensic documents in Veterinary Medicine.

4- Experimental Pathology and Experimental Models

Experimental pathology aims to study and understand pathological processes through microscopic and molecular evaluation of cellular and tissue changes, using animal models in rodents or other unconventional laboratory species. These models aim to reproduce the main aspects of the pathophysiology of diseases of human and veterinary interest, allowing the investigation of cellular, inflammatory, vascular, and neoplastic changes. Experimental models contribute to the development of new drugs, assessing their toxicity levels and therapeutic potentials.